After you spend the time and money on your eyebrow microblading procedure, you will want to be sure you take extraordinary care of your brows to maintain your results. Once you’ve completed the proper aftercare, a year or more will go by. During this time period, you should consider following the advice in this blog post. The following blog post contains all of the details you need to know about in order to care for your eyebrows after the microblading aftercare process. Once your microblading procedure is over, you and your cosmetician will go over proper aftercare, but then what? To maintain the appearance of your eyebrows well after your microblading procedure, make sure to read the following advice:
The most important step after the post-microblading aftercare process is eyebrow trimming. Once you’ve received your microblading procedure, your eyebrow hairs will eventually start growing back in the areas they were removed from. To keep up the shape of your brows, make sure your trimming different areas that grow back during this time period. Some areas that your brow hairs may grow back are above the nose, around the arch, and next to the tail. Keeping up the incredible brow shape given to your through your microblading procedure requires that you trim these hairs.
You can trim unwanted eyebrow hair with tweezers on your own, or you can visit your local salon or cosmetician for a brow wax. You must wait for your microblading procedure to fully heal before you tweeze or wax your brows, but it is perfectly safe to do so after the healing time period. Waxing is the quickest way to remove unwanted brow hairs, and a professional cosmetician can make this process as quick and painless as possible. You may want to consider having your eyebrows waxed roughly every four to six weeks after your brows have fully healed from your microblading procedure.
Now that you know what it takes to maintain beautiful brows, consider reaching out to us at Organic Beauty by Eve. You can book an appointment on our website, via email at, by phone at 646-606-4456, or pay us a visit at 3 Grace Avenue Suite 155 in Great Neck, New York. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream brows!